Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day #2...

It's only Day #2 of my journey and I almost forgot to post today... excellent Nicole, EXCELLENT.  Hopefully this is not a foreshadowing of how (un)successful I will be as this time goes on.  Today was pretty long. I neglected studying for my chemistry test this weekend so I put in a good 4.5 hours today after my 2.5 hour long Nutrition class. Needless to say, it was a long one.
I also spent nearly 2 hours at the gym.  Today was our first training run and it was very painless: only 3 miles.  I wanted to run faster and longer but I know that there will be PLENTY of time for that within the next 18 weeks and I don't want to get ahead of myself or injured.

I forgot to include a few helpful links in my first post... this includes a link to the marathon training plan that we'll be following.  It's Hal Higdon's Intermediate I plan.  I feel as if his Novice 2 plan is a little TOO simple for the San Francisco Marathon.

Intermediate Marathon Plan -- If this proves to be too difficult, we will back down to his Novice 2 plan, which can be found by clicking here.  I like the fact that his Intermediate I plan has two 20 mile runs which will hopefully give me the confidence I need to complete the full 26.2 miles.

In addition to my race plan... you can follow my runs at  My personal website is .  I have been tracking my runs using my Garmin Forerunner and for the past two months.  I absolutely love it, because it keeps everything so organized and is MUCH more helpful and accurate than Nike+.

I will post more after my run tomorrow night.  As time goes on, I will probably limit these posts to a few times a week-- but I figure I should start off strong.

Weight: 128.8 lbs.
Strength Training: 40 minutes
Treadmill: 29 minutes (321 Calories)
Elliptical: 25 minutes (300 calories)
Caloric Intake: 1575

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