Friday, July 29, 2011

Post-race FOOD :)

I am tracking what I am eating two days prior to the marathon, and a day prior to to see how I feel energy wise on race day and can tweak my intake/keep the same for future races depending on how well it works out.  

1.5 cups Special K with Blueberries Cereal (no milk)- 160 cals
Iced latte with skim milk - 45 cal

Caribbean Passion Jamba Juice, regular size - 360 cals

Smart Ones Angel Hair Pasta - 240 cals

1 full egg - 70 cals
3 egg whites 60 cals 
can of green beans 80 cals

Popcorn- 100 Cals

Stuffed spinach shells - 400 cals
Broccoli- 60 cals

Daily total: 1575

Perfect for not working out at all today :)

T-2 DAYS!!

In 48 hours I will be 3 hours in to my very first full marathon EVER! EXCITING! 
I was so preoccupied with school and tests the past week that I didn't have time to get nervous at all... but now that I have nothing to do except think about Sunday and what I need to do to prepare, I am incredibly nervous.
I'm the type of person who needs a to-do list, or else I go insane. I like schedules!! 

To do list for today:
*Wash & clean out the Camry
*Go to Sports Authority for new headphones...I-pod ear buds just don't cut it.
*Load up the ipod with more music
*Organize all running clothes 
*Make sure that I take in PLENTY of fluids and carbohydrates today
*Gentle stretching and foam rolling

I'm antsy, and just want to work out and run off my nerves but this has been a really low-key work out week and it has been VERY trying for me to not add in weight to my routine.  However, I have followed all of the "taper rules," (much to my dismay) so ensure that I am as rested as possible for Sunday morning's run!! 

I hope that you guys have a great weekend :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011


The stress of having four tests next week is getting to me... one is a three-unit Chem exam... and NO ONE in the class understands one of the units. Meh.  Another is a lab exam... stressful, but not as stressful as the unit exam. I also have a Cultural Anthropology test on 7 chapters (none of which I have read, of course- Chemistry is too demanding and Anthro has gone on the back burner)... and finally, on Thursday, I have a 200 point cumulative final exam in Chemistry.

Mark my words: I WILL NEVER, EVER, take a science class in summer school again.  It is beyond me why I have to have 5 semesters of Chemistry for a B.S. in Dietetics. I understand General Bio, Anatomy, Systemic Physiology.... but basic chem, Chem 1A, 1B, O Chem and Biochem!? A bit redundant.  Oh well.

Needless to say, my 3 mile run tonight was not nearly enough to pacify the stress that is consuming my life right now.  Why do I like to run!? Is it because I think that it helps me run from my problems? No, I think that I have a passion for running because it is MY time... I am in control of my mind, and can let it wander and think about things that are pleasurable to think about (not Chemistry at this current point in time).

I want to work through the night, but I feel like I am running in circles because I will NEVER finish all of this work to the level that I want to.  8 miles in the AM, and then only 9 miles next week before the marathon.  It is going to be a blessing that I am running so few miles next week because of time constraint but also irritating because I need a positive outlet for my frustration!

Goodnight all :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

I have been slacking... :(

Yikes, I hadn't realized that it has been nearly 3 months since I have posted... which is quite pathetic, because the purpose of starting this blog was to chronicle my 18 week journey of marathon training. I won't lie, life caught up to me, and one of the last things I feel like doing after a 5-6 hour day at school and another 5-6 hour day studying at home + training is writing in a blog.
It's been a ridiculously tough 8 weeks.  I got bitten by the "motivation bug" so to speak, and piled way too much on my plate this summer.  Training for a full marathon is a lot more mentally and physically challenging (and rewarding!) than I had originally anticipated- and juggling that with the demands of chemistry and my busy work class (Cultural Anthropology) has been a true test of my sanity and patience.  I have had very little time to socialize with my friends, no time to pleasure read, and VERY limited time to watch my TV shows (Curb Your Enthusiasm and Dexter).  I'll try to catch up on each aspect of my summer by subject... I'll dedicate the remainder of this post to my training- and catch up on school when it is finally over on Thursday.

I tallied up the time I have spent training per week, and when it was heavy training (~44 miles per week, plus strength training and cross training @ the gym) I was dedicating about 10-12 hours of running and exercise per week.  On one hand, I loved it because I pushed my mind and body to greater limits than I thought either could reach.  It is absolutely AMAZING to figure out what the human body and mind is capable of.
I did have some fall backs during training, but not much.  I am proud to say that I stuck to my schedule almost 100% except for the fact that I had to skip one weekend long run due to the loss of a family friend (life happens, you can't let training control your life), and I made up the mileage throughout the following week.
I suffered from a bout of shin splints so I cross-trained through a couple of my mid-week runs a few weeks ago.
After my 20 mile long run almost two weeks ago, I thought that I damaged my sciatic nerve which is more annoying than anything-- it turns out that I just have a cluster of knots in my lower back (probably due to running AND stress) that I have been able to mostly work out with my foam roller, Advil, and a heating pad :)
A few weeks ago, during the most intense training, I felt that I was INSANE for doing this and told myself that I'd probably stick to half marathons.  However, now that I am in the final stretch before the race (9 days!), and tapering, I have already decided to run another half marathon, 10k, AND full marathon in March of 2012.  Surprise, surprise!
The emotions that training provides are indescribable, but it is no wonder that people get a "Runner's High" and addicted to the sport.  It's not for everyone, but I am so thankful to have found it. :)

I have so much  more to share, and promise to post more frequently as thoughts come to my mind. Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful weekend :)