Monday, April 4, 2011


1 down... 17 to go!! Gonna be a short one tonight... I have been rambling for the past week and I've realized it's pretty pointless. However, I did state that this would just be a peak into what's going on inside my head.  In the following weeks I will try to make this blog more colorful: recipes, pictures, quotations and inspiration.  It's a work in progress and it's making me BORED already.
Today's run was absolutely wonderful.  I think that I'm going to have a really hard time slowing down on my long and slow runs.  As I was telling a friend earlier today, it's not the 8 mile runs that are going to hurt me- I think that it will start catching up to me around 15 or 16 miles. I am going to make every conscious effort to slow my runs down to a little over 9 min/mile.  Today I hit 8:50 avg and felt great.  I REALLY enjoy conquering hills. A lot of runners hate them, but they make me feel powerful-- especially when I run them at the same speed or faster than my flats.  Also... I did notice that my legs are more fatigued than normal.  This is because I am not taking the day off before my long run.  I ran a pretty moderate paced 5 miler yesterday with hills so my legs are feeling it.  But that's good... San Francisco is not going to be easy, and I don't want to be unpleasantly surprised around Mile 19 on July 31st. :)
The rest of my day consisted of homework, homework, homework.  Tomorrow is Monday, which means back to the grind.  I'm not looking forward to weight and an hour of the elliptical for cross training tomorrow-- but whatever.
12 hour day tomorrow, which means it is time to get 8 hours of sleep to prepare.

Weight: 129.4
Exercise: 8 mile river run ~ 800 kcals
Kcals Consumed: 1678

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